Where are your seeds and grains grown?
At Schullo we source the very best raw materials produced worldwide. Whenever possible we favor local ingredients, and if they’re not available locally, we source the best that there is worldwide from our international suppliers.
Are any of your products GMOs?
We never purchase or use any GMO products; we never have, and we never will. That is why the Schullo motto is “The purest is always the best.”
Do your products have additives, chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives?
No. We never have and never will use anything fake; it is simply completely contrary to who we are and what we make.
Does your salt have iodine?
No. We only use sea salt that is not fluoridated.
What is the difference between your Scottish oats and rolled oats?
Schullo Scottish oats are the whole oat groats cut into pieces using steel blades, hence the name steel-cut oats or Scottish oats. Rolled oats are basically the same oat groats rolled by an enormous steam roller and they take less time to cook.
What is the difference between regular flour and unbleached?
Unbleached flour is aged naturally. When flour is left to age as nature intended, the carotenoids or pigments whiten on their own. It’s naturally white, and no additives or chemicals are added whatsoever in the process. Unbleached flour naturally retains nutrients and vitamins, including vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B12, biotin, vitamin E, and folate.
Regular flours contain added chemicals to speed up the aging process and bleach the flour, thus lowering the protein content. That is why bleached flour is cheaper.
What is whole wheat flour?
To make whole wheat flour, the entire grain of the wheat is ground, retaining all the natural goodness of the bran and germ, just as nature intended. Schullo’s Organic Whole Wheat Flour is high in fiber, a good source of vitamin B1 (thiamin) and vitamin B3 (niacin), as well as healthy nutrients and vitamins such vitamins B2 and B12, biotin, vitamin E, and folate.
Do oats contain gluten?
According to the FDA and the European Union standards, oats are considered “gluten free.” So, to the question of whether oats contain gluten, the answer is hardly at all, and the tiny amount it does contain, which is less than 20 ppm (parts per million), makes oats a great food option for both the gluten intolerant and celiac patients. Oats mainly contain a protein called avenin. They’re completely safe for the vast majority of celiac patients, according to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center (www.cureceliacdisease.org).
What is the traffic light?
Some years ago, many developed countries floated the idea of a traffic light system for food products, alerting consumers to high contents of added sugar, salt or fat in order to combat the obesity epidemic. In most cases it didn’t work. It seems we eat what we want to eat.
Ecuador is now trying out the traffic light system. Most consumers have seen the implementation of the traffic light on their favorite products. The law states that the traffic light only applies to processed foods, those that have been transformed or modified, for example a cookie or a can of soup.
The law does not apply to products that in their natural state contain sugar, such as honey, raisins, fruit and nuts. It also does not apply in the case of a product that in its natural state contains fat, such as cheese, nuts, milk, seeds, and oils. As you can see on your favorite products, there is a lot of confusion due to this traffic light system, and sadly the law has been applied to everything that has any fat or sugar irrespective of its source!
The only products that the traffic light applies to in the case of Schullo are cookies and granolas which are manufactured from wholesome raw ingredients. The local authorities consider pure honey and raisins to be equally as harmful as refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Even worse, artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and others containing phenylalanine supposedly are to be regarded as healthier than honey or raw sugar, and these are rewarded with a glowing “green light” in this famous traffic light.
Our advice is don’t be misled by the traffic light. Read the ingredients label to understand exactly what is in your food and whether it is wholesome or not.
Do your products contain peanuts?
Only the peanut butter, which is 100% peanuts, and the Schullo Peanut Granola contain both peanuts and peanut butter amounting to 25%.
As a factory that processes various products, we observe Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to prevent any cross contamination. If minimal traces were to be found in other products, these would only affect people suffering extreme allergic reactions.
What allergens are present in your factory?
All of our products are manufactured in a facility that uses peanuts, wheat, egg, soy, milk and tree nuts. Here at Schullo we use Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to avoid cross contamination.
Which products are gluten free?
All Schullo oats are gluten free. Oats do not naturally contain gluten. They do contain a protein called avenin. Oats are classified as “gluten free” by the FDA and the European Union.
Why does honey crystalize?
All honeys will sooner or later crystallize. Crystallization is simply honey returning to its natural state. Solidifying depends mainly on what type of flowers the bees gathered the nectar from, and how it is stored. Honey is a combination of glucose and fructose, which are both forms of simple sugars. Honey has many antioxidants, proteins and minerals.
Some honeys have higher levels of fructose, and these take longer to crystallize.
If the bees gathered the pollen from flowers with sweeter nectar, then that type of honey will take longer to crystallize. If the nectar is slightly less sweet, the honey may solidify slightly quicker.
Some honeys are simply slower to crystallize, whereas others solidify faster. The way to help maintain honey in a liquid state is to keep it at the right temperature.
The best storage temperature for honey is 64–75° Fahrenheit (18–24° Celsius). Storing it in an airtight container away from strong light and in a dry place is best. Do not store in the refrigerator as this will only speed up the process of crystallization.
For practical purposes, a shelf-life of one to two years is usually stated. Honey that is properly processed, packaged and stored retains its quality for a long time.
Gentle heating can easily reverse crystallization of Schullo honey. Boil a pot of water, remove the pot from the heat, and place the jar of honey in the hot water until it returns to its liquid state.
Why is peanut butter so expensive in Ecuador?
Taxes on imported peanuts, and for most foods and food ingredients for that matter, are skyrocketing. A jar of our Schullo Peanut Butter costs almost double what it costs in the U.S. Local peanut production is down as farmers seek more profitable cash crops. Ecuador’s food industry needs to import large shipments of food ingredients, including peanuts.
Of course, you have your pick of all types and standards of peanuts, with a wide range of quality. Yes, you could import cheap, not-so-good peanuts, and even with taxes doubling your price, you can still be cheap. But Schullo only buys the freshest, top-of-the-line peanuts with the great aroma and flavor you can easily discern.
Are IVA taxes added to Schullo products when you buy online?
These are the only products that by law have IVA taxes:
• Granola (all varieties)
• Cookies (all varieties)
Is there a difference in price if I buy through the online store compared to the supermarket?
The price you pay is the same as Supermaxi. The added advantages of our ONLINE STORE are that you can buy the full range of products and receive special discounts and offers, along with courtesy gifts and free delivery. The free delivery applies in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca.