Schullo only uses non-fluoride sea salt.
In case you are wondering, Schullo only uses non-fluoride sea salt in its products. Even in the smallest details, “the purest is always the best.”
Fluoride was added to community water supplies in the USA beginning in 1945 to help combat tooth decay. In developing countries, where centralized water supplies were less available, fluoride was added to salt and sometimes milk for the same reason. Thus fluoride ended up in processed foods and beverages.
Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally, and sodium fluoride and its variations is the chemical compound that is most commonly added to water, salt, and other products.
There is considerable debate over the health risks of fluoride. Advocates have claimed for years that fluoride is safe. So it is noteworthy that the FDA now requires a poison warning on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the US. The chronic toxicity of fluoride is implicated as a cause or contributor to a number of diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and bone diseases.
Our overall exposure to fluoridated products has increased significantly with the introduction of fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash. Dentists use fluoride-containing dental products, such as gels, varnishes, pastes, and restorative materials. Small amounts of fluoride can also come from industrial emissions, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
When it comes to whether we prefer to have fluoride in the water supply or not, few of us have a choice. But we do have a choice when it comes to salt, dental products, and processed foods.
As we said, here at Schullo we only use non-fluoride sea salt . . . the purest really is the best.